Kareem Amin, Co-Founder and CEO of Clay, will discuss how to super-charge your recruiting, sales, and marketing workflows without manual work or dedicated engineering resources. We’ll go through:
- Best-in-Class Workflows - We’ll show you how leading companies are innovating and automating data-driven workflows, and we’ll demonstrate how the Clay team uses Clay in pretty neat ways.
- Recruiting - We’ll help you become a hero for your recruiting team by showing you how to build live lists of the candidates you want to hire and connect them to your ATS.
- Sales - Learn how to build your ideal list of prospects starting from your CRM, social media following or from scratch. You’ll learn how to connect data sources together in a way you never thought possible. For example, we can import your company’s Twitter following, cross-reference with your CRM, enrich with LinkedIn and People Data Labs data and prioritize by mutual connections.
- Marketing - We’ll show you how to find all the information you’d ever want from your in-bound leads (even if just starting from an email address!) and how to prioritize your outreach to them.