Taylor Black

Principal Program Manager & Venture Partner at Microsoft & Forum VC


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Hello Propellers! Happy 2021. 🥳

My name is Taylor and I'm based in Seattle ☔🏔🌲. I help run startup and fund operations at the Invention Science Fund, where we create and develop deep/hard technologies (haptics, biomedical devices, LIDAR, metamaterials, nuclear energy, many more) into stand-alone companies. My role is multifaceted, having aspects of Program Management, Product Management, and startup COO rolled into one. I also am a startup mentor with Venture Out, where we help founders get their early-stage ventures off the ground, and manage Fizzy Inc, a growing web product / SaaS passive income stream.

My background is broad, having worked as a management consultant in business intelligence and social media/web analytics consultant with Unify Consulting for T-Mobile, Disney, ESPN, Microsoft, Juniper Networks, and others. Prior to consulting I founded and ran an inbound marketing and web/mobile design/development agency for a number of years working primarily with small/medium-sized businesses with the occasional Fortune 500 thrown in.

I graduated from Boston College with a JD and an MA in CogSci/Philosophy, BAs from Gonzaga in Philosophy, Classics, Honors Business, and Biochem.

Fun fact: when I’m not working or playing with my wife/kids, I’m distance trail running/fastpacking in the Cascades or Olympics.

Stoked to meet you all!

Professional Goals

#1 Goal: 

I want to serially build successful companies and assist others in doing so.

Currently Investing in

Consumer SaaS
Fitness and wellness
Food and beverage
Future of work
Social impact

Working in


Functional Expertise

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Future Interests

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- Everything startups, from GTM and Customer Acquisition to Operations and HR/Legal. - Business Intelligence/Data Problems. While I don’t spend much time directly in R/Python/SQL/ML/AI these days, I used to work heavily in these technologies and am happy to point folks in the right direction. - Connections to the right people for any given issue. I’m a hyper-extrovert with a broad and deep network. Happy to help you find answers.


'- I’m leaving my current role this quarter and am looking for a new remote/Seattle gig. A few different paths on the table (COO, GTM Lead @ another Incubator, perhaps Product Lead @ a FAANG) and excited to learn of other roles/opportunities. - Fizzy Inc, my side gig/passive income stream hit $2500 MMR with about ~2hrs/month worth of work last year and I think I can grow it 10-30x in 2021. Understanding how best and most efficiently to do this from a group of fellow mentors is super exciting to me.
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